Planning isn’t doing

In May 2011, the now-retired US Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, who has also headed the CIA and other government agencies, told ABC’s 20/20 program, “The hardest thing for me to deal with is leading a department that is organized to plan a war but not fight a war.”


I wonder if this isn’t an accurate assessment for how our health care system operates: well-paid executives spending their time planning to operate a health care system, but not actually delivering health care?

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1 Response to Planning isn’t doing

  1. peter dodge says:

    The Halifax Chronicle Herald article on Sept. 2, 2011 by Allan Lynch lays out a problem in the health care system that can be fixed and that NEEDS to be fixed and NOW.

    That said, I will comment that the Canadian Health Care System is the best in the world UNTIL YOU NEED IT! At that point the horror stories begin. In the early 1960’s I moved from Nova Scotia to California to escape the foolishness that was the new government promise that they would take care of my health needs forever and it would be $4 per month (or something that innocuous). My wife and I come back to Canada every year for 4 or 5 months but don’t move here because of the ridiculous health care system.

    A fact you should know is this: there is a black market in medicine in Canada.

    Allan Lynch has hit a nail on the head with the Chronicle Herald article but in the goofy system that has evolved nothing much will be done. People will suffer and administrators will have their privelege.

    Peter Dodge, tourist

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